What is communications? When that’s what you study, you get asked that a lot. Talking is communication. Emails are communication. So are posters, art, gestures, campaigns and this blog right here that I’m trying to write.
Communication is words, even when they aren’t being spoken or written. And even as I struggle to figure out how to frame the first post of a new blog, people struggle with how to use their words every day. Trust me, you’re not the only one. That’s not even getting started on understanding what everyone else in the world is trying to tell you.

Seeking to understand communications not only helps a person communicate their own thoughts and feelings and speak them into existence, it also empowers them to sift through and make sense of the constant barrage of information that is hurled at us from every direction wherever we go.
My hope here is to discuss and unpack the importance of communications. There's a lot going on there, after all, just ask our friends at Merriam-Webster how many words they're up to these days.
I’ll be giving advice on making your personal voice heard and examining the messaging of media in the world today, even touching on some history of words and themes across time. And every now and then, I may talk about something completely random, because my mind is always coming up with new things to pull away my attention with.
That friendly Tawny Frogmouth perched up there in the header sadly does not have the opportunity to use words. But you do. And if my repetition of “communication” hasn’t chased you away quite yet, I hope you’ll stick around and together we can see if we can all get a little bit better at using them.