When this blog journey began it was certainly not expected that, within a few short weeks, your author would be haphazardly packing his bags to move back home as the world around us closed down to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Now I, like so many others across the world, am staring blithely out a window, struggling to balance a precarious workload and screaming at the heavens asking why (WHY?!?) is it snowing in Indiana, halfway through April.
A whole new level of struggle can open up for quarantined students who don’t have access to reliable internet at home. Their fine number does indeed include yours truly. A bad connection can make even the simplest class an adventure when everything shifts online. At present, I, like the loyal student I am, can be found utilizing the gracious WifFi of the local McDonald’s to publish this blog and upload another assignment.
So, as great splotchy snowflakes hit the windshield, the smell of lunch-hour fast food peacefully wafts over from across the lot and “99 Luftballoons” plays appropriately apocalyptically on the radio, I find myself revising this update once again before it derails into the wrong degree of absurdity. I pause to miss the wonder of in-person human interaction.
Judging from the experiences of my family, friends and the good folks using social media, it seems safe to say I am not alone. For hundreds of millions across the globe, it seems these days are a constant battle not to end the work day with a screed more reminiscent of Jack Torrence than William Shakespeare, who, in a truly obnoxious flex from beyond the grave, supposedly managed to write King Lear in quarantine.
One thing that does strike me is just how much isolation highlights the need for communication. And what a relief that revelation is, for someone trying to right a blog all about, you guessed it, COMMUNICATION! It’s a lifeblood of society, and a crucial binding glue to keep us all sane.
Thankfully, even those of us with subpar links to the interwebs still live in the 21st century, and are therefore fairly safe from resorting to drawing a face on the nearest sports accessory and making them our new best friends. (Not to rag on Wilson, of course, he was totally robbed of a Supporting Actor nom)
Whether through one of the wide variety of video call platforms, audio calls, texts, tweets, emails… (You get the idea) this is such an important time to reach out to family, friends and even just acquaintances to let them know you care. There doesn’t have to be a reason – just reach out and say “Hi!”, see how they’re doing! And if they’re one of the brave essential workers holding society together right now, give them a lion’s share of thanks and encouragement.
At the end of the day, communication is now more important than ever. So this is my message from the parking lot to the world – get out there and share the love through whatever means you can. Banding together, we can fight the disease outside and defend our mental health inside. (For further information on maintaining mental health in quarantine, check out the CDC link below)
So, as we all anxiously await the latest updates, lend a friendly word to a neighbor. A little chat can go a long way.